The Room 4: Old Sins Trainer

Developer: Fireproof Games, Publisher: Fireproof Games
This game have: Adventure category
The disappearance of an formidable engineer and his excessive-society spouse provokes a hunt for a precious artefact. The trail leads you to the attic of their domestic, and the invention of an antique, peculiar dollhouse. What secrets lie within these partitions?

Trainer have a 8+ features and works in all variations of the sport.

Unzip the zip file, run Trainer and open the game. You can open the settings by means of urgent the F7 key.

Download Trainer

File Date added File size Downloads
Auto-Updating Version:
exe The Room 4: Old Sins Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 18.02.2025 189 KB13203
Standalone Versions:
zip The Room 4: Old Sins Trainer.Early.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 17.02.2025 145 KB 8177
zip The Room 4: Old Sins Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 16.02.2025 374 KB 6930
zip The Room 4: Old Sins Trainer.LatestVersion.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 18.02.2025 43 KB 9067

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