Developer: Rocket Tech, Publisher: Rocket Tech
This game have: RPG category
The evil SON has taken over the MULTITOWER and attacked the people of Apann with his army of CORRUPTED ROBOTS! And only Serena Robo, the Defender of Apann, and her new friends can save the day and stop the SON’s evil plans! Many twists are along the way in: ROBOT FEMALE HERO REMASTERED!
Trainer have +4 functions (for all version)(it will be updated soon)
There are currently only 4 features.
F1 Key = Auto skills,
F2 Key = Enemy Finder,
F3 Key = Auto skill update
F4 Key = Immortal
Unrar archive and run the trainer after open the game. Please close Windows Defender, you can see the virus total result at this link.