Plague: London 1665 Trainer

Developer: WASD Games, Publisher: WASD Games
This game have: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Simulation category
Plague: London 1665 is an RPG with pixel art graphics set in 1665’s during the Bubonic Plague outbreak in overcrowded and polluted London. As a body collector, graveyard keeper, and family provider, avoid the disease while clearing the streets. Will you survive the outbreak or become another victim?

Trainer have a 10+ functions and works in all versions of the game.

Unzip the archive, run Trainer and open the game. You can open the settings by pressing the F12 key.

Download Trainer

File Date added File size Downloads
Auto-Updating Version:
exe Plague: London 1665 Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 22.02.2025 282 KB17591
Standalone Versions:
zip Plague: London 1665 Trainer.Early.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 19.02.2025 141 KB 7369
zip Plague: London 1665 Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 21.02.2025 57 KB 4080
zip Plague: London 1665 Trainer.LatestVersion.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 22.02.2025 161 KB 3117

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