Craft The World Trainer

Developer: Dekovir Entertainment, Publisher: Black Maple Games
This game have: Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy category
Craft The World is a completely unique sandbox method recreation, the mixture of Dungeon Keeper, Terraria and Dwarf Fortress.Explore a random generated global populated by dangerous creatures, construct a dwarf citadel, gather sources, and craft all the items, weapons, and armor you want.

Trainer have a 19+ features and works in all variations of the sport.

Unzip the archive, run Trainer and open the sport. You can open the settings by means of urgent the F11 key.

Download Trainer

File Date added File size Downloads
Auto-Updating Version:
exe Craft The World Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 01.03.2025 88 KB10603
Standalone Versions:
zip Craft The World Trainer.Early.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 27.02.2025 260 KB 16531
zip Craft The World Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 02.03.2025 108 KB 4928
zip Craft The World Trainer.LatestVersion.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 02.03.2025 238 KB 5784

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