Developer: 客服VX:nl17717224390, Publisher: 免费领取海量资源助力你的争雄之路!
This game have: Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Simulation, Strategy, Early Access category
《我的坦克我的团》真实还原二战中的经典战役,重现诺曼底登陆、马奇诺防线、莫斯科保卫战等,每一个关卡就是一场战役。 游戏中,超百辆经典坦克可供玩家自由选择,74座城堡百人跨服对抗同屏厮杀,玩家可以组团争夺资源、领土,强攻偷袭、围剿混战,作为指挥官,你能真实感受成王败寇就在一念之间,闪击战、经典战役、远征、使命之路、军演、王牌对决…花式作战玩法,战斗不无聊!
Trainer have a 7+ options. Works on all game versions. We will add the trainer to our site as it is updated.
Unzip the zip file, run Trainer and open the trainer.exe. You can open the settings by means of press the F5 key.