Developer: T-Time Technology CO., LTD., Publisher: T-Time Technology CO., LTD.
This game have: Casual, Strategy category
富甲Online新登場,賺錢、徵才、打寶、升級,組自己的夢幻隊伍! 城池建物添風貌,箭塔、兵營、私掠站,多種組合功能多變! 錦囊妙計轉乾坤,單挑、野戰、攻城戰,文官武將各顯神通! 賭場鬥智拼手氣,擲骰、賽馬、下寶物,緊張刺激欲罷不能! 關卡地圖新花樣,天梯、開路、熱汽球,劇本加倍絕對過癮!
Trainer have +4 functions (for all version)(it will be updated soon)
There are currently only 4 features.
F1 Key = Auto skills,
F2 Key = Enemy Finder,
F3 Key = Auto skill update
F4 Key = Super fast
Unrar rar file and run the game after open the game. Close antivirus program, you can see the virus total result at this link.