Developer: 九州战歌, Publisher: 九州战歌
This game have: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG, Strategy category
《九州战歌》作为一款3D武侠MMO大作,以顶尖的次世代技术打造最真实的玄幻武侠世界。 惊雷炸响,绝世功法武穆宝典重现江湖,暗涌之下,隐世宗门人才辈出。一场血雨腥风已经来袭,身怀绝技的年轻剑客就此踏入大千世界的强者之路。快意恩仇的庞大江湖,匠心打造的沉浸式地图,凌厉写意的轻功,挑战数之不尽的奇珍异兽,精彩绝伦的华山论剑和嵩山争霸,打造只属于你的独一无二的江湖梦。
Trainer have a 19+ features and works in all variations of the sport.
Unzip the archive, run Trainer and open the sport. You can open the settings by means of urgent the F11 key.